• Ready for a Resume Refresh?

    January is often a time of reflection — when we assess what’s working and what needs tweaking. Often the focus is on physical and mental wellness, but the start of the new year is also an opportune time evaluate our professional status. Step 1: Dust off your resume and determine if it’s time for a refresh.
    Stop Procrastinating

  • Why You Should Keep Your Resume Updated

    You might think that once you’ve landed a job you’re all set and no longer need to worry about updating your resume. While that may have been true years ago, in today’s professional environment, it’s important to ensure you have a current version of your resume at the ready. Here are a few reasons why you should always keep your resume up to date.
    Keep Track of Accomplishments 

  • Get the Interview: A Beginner’s Guide to Resume Writing

    Highlight your experience and strengths and stand out from the crowd