• Top Five Study Skills of “A” Students

    Have you ever looked at a student who’s known for getting As and wondered, “How do they do it?” When you’re not the A student — but you’re trying to be — every little insight can help. Top students don’t just inherently know everything, they’ve also refined their study skills and know how to use their time effectively. The best part is, you can learn the same study habits they use to get those straight As!

  • Preparing for Science Fair Season

    Science fair season is here! It’s a time when you can get creative, delve into a project you’re passionate about, and test your nerves while you talk to the judges. Here are some tips to help you be not just prepared — but ready to knock it out of the park.

  • Make the Most of Mentoring

    College is a time for exploring new opportunities, meeting new people, and learning about new ideas. It’s also a time to start creating connections with people who can provide you with the support and guidance you need to move toward your ultimate career goals. Experienced and trusted advisors — or mentors — can be hard to find, but they are invaluable resources. Here are some ways to find the right mentor and make the most of the relationship.

  • Think Like a Teacher: What makes a successful student?

    Whether you’re in high school or college, there will be times when learning feels amazing, and times when it’s a humbling experience. But it will always be worth the effort. So what’s the secret to achieving your personal best? While there’s no simple formula, most teachers agree that certain qualities are essential for academic success. Here are some of their pro tips.

    Show Up and Manage Your Time

  • Tips for Balancing Your Life on Campus

    New to campus or just finding it tough to plan your time? Check out these helpful tips to get your life in balance.

  • Paths in Education: Stay on Top of Your Game This School Year

    You have classes, labs, homework, sports, socializing, volunteering — maybe even a job. With all that, there’s not much time for feeling listless and unmotivated, and definitely no time for getting sick. Because high school and college students have to assume more responsibility for their own schedules and personal choices, it’s important to know which of those options are most likely to pay off in a more wide awake, stronger, and healthier you. Here are some you can count on.

  • Career Builder: Fall 2019

    Native Americans engaged in meaningful work that benefits Indigenous people and communities are eligible for the Luce Indigenous Knowledge Fellowship. In partnership with the Henry Luce Foundation, the First Nations Development Institute is awarding its first 10 fellowships in January 2020.

  • Student Loan Smarts

    Learn how to manage what you owe

    How did U.S. students rack up a staggering $1.5 trillion in college debt? The answer is shining a blinding light on the need for financial education. One of your jobs while pursuing higher education is to fully understand how student loans work. That means sharpening your financial literacy both to avoid unnecessary debt and to position yourself to comfortably repay your loans once you’re out of school.

  • Make the Most of the AISES National Conference

    Here’s how to get ready for Milwaukee

  • The American Indian Academy of Denver and the American Indian Science and Engineering Society partner in Computer Science Robotics Event

    The newly chartered American Indian Academy of Denver (AIAD) and the American Indian Science and Engineering Society (AISES) successfully held an afterschool computer science event on August 26 at the Denver Indian Center. 

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