Get Back to Work: Finding Motivation
If your motivation has left the building, you’re not alone. According to Gallup, approximately 80 percent of employees worldwide are not engaged — or are actively disengaged — at work. This lack of motivation can make it challenging to accomplish parts of your job. Here are a few ways to regain the stimulus you need to get back to work.
Create Achievable Goals
One reason you may not be motivated is that your goals no longer seem achievable or manageable. Goal setting is a critical component of self-motivation and drive — without goals, you’ll struggle to successfully complete your work. Creating achievable goals helps increase your confidence and ultimately makes it easier to find the impetus you need to start working toward those goals.
Keep Track of Progress and Achievements
As you pursue your goals, monitor your progress. Seeing how much you have accomplished will help fuel your desire to stay the course. Use a spreadsheet, online platform, or even just a sheet of paper to provide reminders of how much work you have completed. What you’ve achieved can serve as a confidence booster and motivator.