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Tips for Managing a Hybrid Team


Managing a hybrid workplace — one with some employees on-site while others are remote — can be challenging. Managers must ensure all employees are engaged, collaborative, and united with regard to team and departmental goals. They also need to create a fair and flexible workflow that is efficient, effective, and reasonable for both remote and in-office staff members. Here are some tips to help manage and strengthen a hybrid team.



Get Back to Basics

Remember, your main role as a manager is to support your staff. Whether it’s coping with broader issues, such as economic uncertainty, political polarization, and social injustice, or balancing personal struggles like health issues, childcare, or family emergencies, employees are under a lot of stress. It’s important that you get a temperature check on each staff member. Schedule regular one-on-one meetings — face-to-face in the office and via video calls (cameras on) with remote staff. Take time during these check-ins to ask about their individual circumstances and worries. Let them know you care and share ways you can help.


Communicate Clearly

If ever there is a scenario when communication is vital, it’s managing a hybrid team. Determine when and how you will communicate, which team members are needed for various types of decisions, and how the workday will be structured. To keep the experience equitable, hold full-team meetings online — meaning even team members in the office would log on to the video call. Set clear expectations, both for individuals and across the team, and set weekly priorities so that everyone understands what needs to be accomplished. Don’t forget that communication is a two-way process. Be sure your team knows you’re available to discuss issues, provide guidance, and bounce ideas.






If you’re part of a hybrid team, you know it can be challenging. To be an effective team member, you must consider several factors, including communication, accountability, and reasonable limits. Here are a few things to keep in mind.


Communicate openly and frequently. Provide clear status updates on your work, projects, and schedules. Actively participate in discussions, offering feedback, ideas, and solutions. 


Be respectful. When team members are in various locations — and possibly time zones — it’s important to be conscious of timing when to sending messages, making calls, or scheduling meetings.


Use technology effectively. Take advantage of tools like video conferencing, instant messaging, and collaboration software to stay connected and share information efficiently. 









Resources for AISES Members

AISES events, like the National and Regional conferences and Professional Chapter meetings are great opportunities to network. See the list of upcoming events in the Save the Date section below.


Have you had a chance to scroll through AISES posts on (formerly known as Twitter)? Check it out to get up-to-date info on what’s going on with the organization and the latest happenings in Indian Country.


Online Resources



Get the AISES Nation App Today

The AISES Nation app is a space for AISES members to come together, share their cultural knowledge, celebrate each other's successes, and build community. This virtual hangout is your one-stop-shop to make meaningful connections and easily access all the amazing AISES programs in one place! To download the app, go to the App Store/Google Play store on your phone and type AISES Nation. You can also join the platform online .












Colorado State University – School of Education Department

Join us in supporting a research study by CSU’s School of Education in exploring the lived experiences of Indigenous women in STEM faculty positions through self-narratives captured by Photovoice, Autoethnography (AutoE), and Participatory Action Research (PAR) approaches.


Rochester Institute of Technology – Rochester, N.Y.

Be part of the 2025 cohort. Apply for the RIT Future Faculty Career Exploration Program. Designed for scholars and artists to experience a "behind the scenes" glimpse into life as a faculty member. Engage with administration, faculty, and students throughout the program while enhancing interview skills, presenting your research/art, and exploring the research, teaching and service expectations of faculty. The program gives you insight into the faculty search and selection process, prepping you for your job search and providing you first-hand feedback.




– Regional



– Markham, Ontario

­– Calgary, Alberta

– Canada (Hybrid)


BAE Systems Inc. – San Diego, Calif.


Jacobs – Toronto, Ontario


James C. Wyant College of Optical Sciences – Tucson, Ariz.


New York University – Brooklyn, N.Y.


Stantec – Whitehorse, Yukon Territory


Town of Erie – Erie, Colo.





Winds of Change magazine image



Paths to Opportunities and Winds of Change are published exclusively by AISES.

AISES works to substantially increase the representation of Indigenous peoples in STEM studies and careers.

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