Going to college may be the first time that you are spending a significant amount of time away from your family. It can be hard adjusting to this new normal, where everything is different. Between new schedules, friends, classes, and extracurriculars, college can be overwhelming. Being away can also make it hard to follow your Native traditions. But don’t let this new world keep you from staying connected to your culture. Here are a few ways to follow your Native traditions at college.
Choose a School that Supports Your Native Identity
Technically this should happen before you get to college. Choosing a college that supports your Native identity is incredibly important. Check to see if the schools you are interested in have student groups or organizations that celebrate Indigenous culture, provide culturally safe spaces, or host relevant cultural activities in a meaningful and respectful manner. Learning about these opportunities before attending can help you to feel more supported and excited about joining the community. It will also reassure you that you’ll be able to follow your Native traditions while on campus, as you know the school is supportive and already has resources in place.