How to Map Your Academic Plan
At some point during your educational career, you’ll need to figure out how to get where you’re going. Enter the academic plan — it’s the map to your educational goals. With a plan, you can see the path you need to take to get where you want to go. Academic plans can be incredibly useful in helping you stay on track, regardless of what comes your way. Since every student is different, every academic plan is too. Here are some ways to create an academic plan that works for you.
Determine Your Goal(s)
Before you can make a successful academic plan, you need to understand the goal you’re working toward. Are you hoping to attend medical school after college? Or working in robotics? Or bringing the latest technology to far-flung communities? Ask yourself what you want to accomplish. This could be one goal or multiple goals. You won’t be able to map a successful academic plan until you determine where you want to end up. Once you establish your objective, you can put your plan together.
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Marcie Carter, University of Idaho
Marcie Carter, Nez Perce Tribe, received a BS in environmental biology from Lewis-Clark State College and a master’s degree in wildlife resources from the University of Idaho. She is currently working on a PhD in natural resources at the University of Idaho and expects to graduate in December 2020. In addition to her studies, Carter is the mother of two children and works full time as watershed coordinator for the Nez Perce Tribe’s Department of Fisheries Resources Management, Watershed Division. Carter understands the importance of time management and the benefit of a well-laid plan.
What inspired you to map your academic plan?
I have had a full-time job throughout my academic career, so I was forced to plan my classes, my research, and my writing around my job.
When did you begin the process?
I started planning as soon as I decided what I was going to major in. Most classes, especially upper level classes, are typically offered every other year or semester. In order to squeeze them all in, you have to have a plan in place that ensures you can make the time to take each class.
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Infusing tribal knowledge in science
Joseph Peters completed Oregon State’s Master of Natural Resources program online to better inform his work as a Squaxin Island Tribe natural resources policy representative. In his course work, Joe and other Native students introduced native teachings that were respected and embraced by faculty and peers.
EARTH DAY 2020 in the Time of COVID-19
A message by AISES Council Elder Henrietta Mann
Today the planet is observing the 50th anniversary of Earth Day, a time for world citizens to consider the state of our common environment, escalating climate change, and the deadly COVID-19 pandemic. Regrettably, there is no vaccine for COVID-19, and the number of infections and fatalities climbs daily. Furthermore, this pandemic is creating a climate of insecurity, anxiety, and hopelessness as it spreads around the globe.
To understand the challenges of our contemporary world, let us look to our grandparent generations to ascertain their thinking and coping strategies as they confronted new environmental experiences. They, too, contracted unknown diseases such as smallpox, measles, whooping cough, and cholera that the strangers brought to their encampments, villages, pueblos, and homelands. They, too, saw their populations decline, and mourned their losses. Ultimately, they accepted their changed circumstances as the ongoing nature of life. What sustained them was their unwavering hope for the future.
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AISES reminds you to complete the 2020 Census because Indian Country Counts!
The 2020 Census is an opportunity to provide a better future for our communities and for future generations. By participating in the 2020 Census, you help provide an accurate count of American Indian and Alaska Natives. Your responses to the 2020 Census can help shape how billions of dollars in annual federal funds are distributed for programs and grants in our communities. Visit www.my2020census.gov today to complete your 2020 Census!
AISES Career Hub and Opportunities Board have free online job and career resource information.
At the Career Hub job seekers can scan jobs, upload a resume or explore career resources by industry, state or job function. The Opportunities Board is a centralized hub of information with opportunities like scholarships, internships, and more. You can get access to complete, verified, and updated information that can help you grow your skills and expertise. What are you waiting for? Go to
careers.aises.org or opportunities.aises.org NOW!
Need some help mapping your academic plan? Check in with an
AISES Student Chapter to find resources that will put you on the path to academic success. With the help of an AISES Student Chapter, you can define your goals and develop an effective and efficient plan to achieve them.
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