How to Make the Most of the
AISES National Conference
The AISES National Conference is known for breaking new ground, and 2020 will be no exception. This year’s event is 100 percent virtual and has the potential to bring together more STEM participants than ever before.
For 42 years, the annual National Conference has been the premier event for Indigenous STEM professionals and students from the United States and Canada, and as far away as Alaska and Hawaii. This year’s all-new virtual format will include opening and closing ceremonies, a keynote address, a talking circle, expert-led topical sessions, research presentations, mixers, and Indian Country’s largest College and Career Fair. The three-day agenda features more than 60 live and prerecorded events and numerous opportunities to interact with exhibitors, speakers, sponsors, partners, and conference attendees.
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Adrian Riives, Ojibwe (Anishinaabe)
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
Adrian Riives, Ojibwe (Anishinaabe), is originally from Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. She earned her BS in chemistry from San Jose State University (SJSU) in Silicon Valley, Calif., and is currently pursuing her PhD in chemistry and chemical biology at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute in Troy, N.Y. Aside from her research, Riives has been active in a number of educational organizations, including the Younger Chemists Committee, the Research Initiative for Scientific Enhancement at SJSU, the Louis Stokes Alliance for Minority Participation, and AISES. Riives, who is currently the elected Junior National Representative and prospective Senior National Representative, decided to run for the role of U.S. National Student Representative because she wants to help students — particularly Indigenous students — find support in their studies and future careers.
How should attendees go about prioritizing sessions to attend at the National Conference?
Every conference, including virtual conferences, will have a program of available sessions. I would first attend the sessions most relevant to my work so that I could not only see what other people are doing within my field, but also network with these people for future collaborations. I would also attend sessions where I could socialize with people within my local region or with other young professionals.
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STEM Online, But Not Alone
Orman Morton III connected with Oregon State University’s Native American Longhouse while working on his environmental sciences degree online. The Penobscot student built lasting friendships and support with OSU’s Eena Haws indigenous community from his home 2,400 miles away in Baltimore, Md.
Apply for the ACS Scholars Program
The American Chemical Society Scholars Program is a renewable scholarship and mentoring program aimed towards American Indian, Black/African American, and Hispanic/Latino students pursuing majors and careers in chemistry-related disciplines. Application is open from November 1–March 1 each year. Apply now!
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AISES Career Hub and Opportunities Board have free online job and career resource information.
At the Career Hub job seekers can scan jobs, upload a resume or explore career resources by industry, state or job function. The Opportunities Board is a centralized hub of information with opportunities like scholarships, internships, and more. You can get access to complete, verified, and updated information that can help you grow your skills and expertise. What are you waiting for?
Go to or NOW!
The 2020 Census deadline is September 30. Shape our future!
There’s still
time to shape the future for our communities. Complete the 2020 Census at Your participation in the census builds on our communities’ progress and helps shape our future for generations to come.
Careers at Boston Scientific
We invite you to join our talent community to be considered for internships, co-ops and full-time graduate opportunities.
If you are majoring in Biomedical, Chemical, Computer, Electrical, Industrial, Materials Science, Manufacturing, or Mechanical Engineering, we’d love to have you register with us. Create
your profile and upload your resume here.
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Award for Aspirations in Computing
The Award for AiC honors students in grades 9–12 who self-identify as women, genderqueer, or non-binary for computing-related achievements.
Guide to Colleges & Careers for STEM
Women are often underrepresented in STEM fields. This guide provides women with resources to pursue these industries.
Introduction to New College Guidebook for Native American Students
Join the American Indian College Fund and ACT’s Center for Equity in Learning for a webinar introducing a culturally relevant guidebook developed to empower Native students.
Regeneron Science Talent Search
A special opportunity for rising 12th grade students to win awards of up to $250,000.
U.S. Congressional App Challenge
The Congressional App Challenge encourages U.S. students to learn to code and inspires them to pursue careers in computer science.
Girls Who Code Clubs Program
Girls Who Code is a non-profit organization working to close the gender gap in technology by equipping young women with the computing skills needed to pursue 21st century opportunities.
Spring 2021 Science Undergraduate Laboratory Internships
Applications for the SULI Program's 2021 Spring Term are due by October 7, 2020, at 5 p.m. ET.
Spring 2021 Community College Internships (CCI)
Applications for the CCI Program's 2021 Spring Term are due by October 7, 2020, at 5 p.m. ET.
UCLA's Stepping Stones to Medicine
SS2M provides guidance for pre-med students as they pursue medical school and beyond. With COVID-19 moving education to virtual platforms, our *free*, easily-accessible resources can help pre-meds feel supported and connected to medical students who understand the process.
Environmental Stewardship of Indigenous Lands at CU Denver
The Environmental Stewardship of Indigenous Lands (ESIL) certificate is an exciting new educational opportunity at the University of Colorado Denver.
Participate in a Survey — Receive a $5 Gift Card
Be part of a research study that assesses opinions about social issues, and feelings and actions related to to those social issues and the election.
View all opportunities.
*LISTEN IN!* NASA Science Team Meeting
Those interested in the Dragonfly or Psyche missions must respond by September 30, 2020.
You're Invited: Join our Collaborative Research Directory
Are you a scientist interested in advancing alternative proteins through your research? Join our Collaborative Research Directory!
Call for Award Applicants!
The Women in STEM2D (WiSTEM2D) Scholars Award honors female scholars with $150,000 grant and three years of mentorship. Apply by Oct. 15, 2020.
NCWIT Collegiate Award
The NCWIT Collegiate Award honors the outstanding computing accomplishments of students who self-identify as women, genderqueer, or non-binary.
NW NARCH Research Support Fellowships
This program provides funding for American Indian/Alaska Native graduate students conducting scientific research under the supervision of an academic mentor.
AiC Educator Award
This award identifies exemplary educators who play a pivotal role in encouraging high school students who self-identify as women, genderqueer, or non-binary to explore their interests in computing and technology.
View All Opportunities.