• Signs You’re Burned Out ... and What to Do About It

    Traditional aspects of how and where we work have shifted over the past two years. The remote and hybrid work schedules can make it much harder to separate professional and personal lives. As a result, you may feel like you’re never able to get away from work. You may find yourself becoming more negative or cynical, feeling tired, and lacking motivation to get your work done. Don’t assume these are normal feelings. You might be experiencing burnout. Here are five signs that you’re burned out — and what to do about it. 

  • The Importance of Self-Care

    College students are often consumed by classes, extracurriculars, relationships, and other daily commitments. The hectic schedule can be stressful and leave little time for students to take care of themselves. But the importance of self-care can’t be denied. Taking time for yourself can yield a healthier and more enjoyable college experience. Here are a few reasons why self-care is so important.

  • AISES National Conference 2021: How to Make the Most of It

    The AISES National Conference is almost here, and it’s time to get ready. More than 2,000 Indigenous STEM participants will gather in person and virtually for the premier annual event. Its three-day agenda will be action-packed with opportunities designed to help you develop as a professional and broaden your network of Native peers, professionals, and allies.

  • Dr. Henrietta Mann / Cheyenne / Distinguished Educator / Founding member of the AISES Council of Elders

    For Dr. Henrietta Mann, stressing the importance of education has been a lifelong mission. At a very young age, she developed a passion for learning that blossomed into an unrelenting quest to promote education — for Natives and non-Natives alike — and led to a career of teaching at the pre-college, community college, undergraduate, and graduate levels.