• Funding Your Future

    After years of a set path in school, you may find yourself wondering what’s next. Whether you have a plan or are still figuring it out, the one constant is making sure you can fund whatever your future brings. This doesn’t mean you need to have thousands of dollars in the bank, but being smart about your money now will help ensure that you have it when you need it later. Here are a few ways to help fund your future.
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  • Finding Funding: A financial aid checklist

    Having detailed conversations about finances can be difficult. But remember that your goal is to get to graduation, and finding the funding you need is essential. Whether you’re feeling ahead or feeling behind — no matter where you are in finding funding — now is the time to learn more. There are many resources and people you can turn to with your questions. If you’re in high school, talk to your counselor. If you’re close to starting college or already there, get to know your school’s financial aid resources. 

  • Finding Money for College

    The college process is daunting. Between standardized tests, submitting applications, and waiting to be accepted, it’s not easy. Once accepted, there’s the question of how you will pay for college. Many Native students do not have enough funds readily available to cover their schooling. That’s where scholarships come in. Today, there are some amazing scholarship opportunities to help Native students on their college journey. Here are a few of the top scholarships to consider.