• Ways to Mentor Young Native Professionals

    Having a mentor can be an integral component to an individual’s professional success. A mentor can help professionals learn and grow, expand their network, and even provide new employment opportunities. It is important to remember that not every style or approach to mentoring is appropriate for every professional. Here are a few ways to mentor a young Native professional.

  • Mentoring Young Native Professionals

    Being a young professional in today’s workplace isn’t easy. Being a young Native professional can be even harder, and that’s why mentorship so important for people in the early stages of their careers. Here are a few ways mentors can be effective guides.

  • Make the Most of Mentoring

    College is a time for exploring new opportunities, meeting new people, and learning about new ideas. It’s also a time to start creating connections with people who can provide you with the support and guidance you need to move toward your ultimate career goals. Experienced and trusted advisors — or mentors — can be hard to find, but they are invaluable resources. Here are some ways to find the right mentor and make the most of the relationship.