Your Financial Checkbook
According to a recent study from FinanceBuzz, nearly two-thirds of Gen Zs don’t own a checkbook. Gone are the days when you’d write down every dollar that came in or went out of your account in balanced checkbook ledger. Today, most people manage their finances online. But the idea of a checkbook as a space where you track your funds on a regular basis is key to financial success. Here are a few ways to create a financial “checkbook” that works for you.
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Funding Your Future
After years of a set path in school, you may find yourself wondering what’s next. Whether you have a plan or are still figuring it out, the one constant is making sure you can fund whatever your future brings. This doesn’t mean you need to have thousands of dollars in the bank, but being smart about your money now will help ensure that you have it when you need it later. Here are a few ways to help fund your future.
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