• Steps to Maintain a Healthy Diet at College

    College can be an amazing experience, with tons of new friends, new activities, and new foods to try. At the same time, it can be overwhelming trying to balance a busy schedule and a healthy lifestyle. Healthy eating habits are important throughout your life, but especially during college when late-night cramming sessions and a full calendar can easily cause you to deviate from a balanced plan. Here are some tips to maintain a healthy diet.

  • Paths in Education: Stay on Top of Your Game This School Year

    You have classes, labs, homework, sports, socializing, volunteering — maybe even a job. With all that, there’s not much time for feeling listless and unmotivated, and definitely no time for getting sick. Because high school and college students have to assume more responsibility for their own schedules and personal choices, it’s important to know which of those options are most likely to pay off in a more wide awake, stronger, and healthier you. Here are some you can count on.