Re-energize for the New Spring Term: Here’s How to Make the Most of this Semester

It’s winter. The holiday break is a memory, and you’re settling in to the new term. And while it may seem that having been gone for a few weeks shouldn’t make a difference, we all know it does. So it’s important to think about things you can do to gear up for a great spring semester.

To get and stay energized, first take time to rest and relax. When you’re not on campus, spend time with family and friends, catch up on sleep, and do things unrelated to school. Being able to separate academic work from your life outside school is important, because without those breaks, it’s challenging to stay on top of things.

It’s also important to take study breaks on campus. It’s much easier to stay enthusiastic when you have something to look forward to. Seek out activities to join — then show up and participate. If you’re busy with people you enjoy, you’ll naturally feel energized. 
You should also create a spring semester you’re excited about. Sign up for courses you’ve been wanting to take, and try to take classes with your friends and acquaintances so you’ll have built-in study partners. 

Then cut what you’re trying to accomplish down to size. You’re less likely to experience winter doldrums or feel overwhelmed if you break down the tsunami of classes and assignments coming at you into smaller pieces. Think of this term as just one thing that needs to be accomplished — that sounds much more doable than slogging through five months, 20 weeks, or close to 150 days!  

Your spring semester will be what you make it, so make it a good one! Pack your semester with classes, clubs, and events that appeal to you; and stay focused on your goals. 
