Student Q&A: Patricia Bancroft

Patricia Bancroft is a senior at Northern Arizona University majoring in biology and minoring in chemistry. She’s learned a lot, both in and outside class, including holding leadership positions in the AISES College Chapter. Here are some of Patricia’s tips on keeping that midyear enthusiasm.

How do you get the term off to a good start?

It’s important to arrive at school ready. Enjoy your time away from class and get into the “school mindset” only when you’re back on campus. If you’re not at school, don’t turn it on.

How do you keep from being overwhelmed by all you have to do this term?

I tell myself it’s just one more semester — push to get through this one semester. Then prioritize — decide what you need to do, and do it!

What’s your favorite tip for staying psyched for school?

Getting involved and being active in a club can help keep you busy, which means you won’t be focusing on how much of the semester is left. Also, clubs are typically very busy in the spring, and many have conferences or events going on, so there are lots of ways to get involved and meet people.

How do you avoid getting overwhelmed by assignments?

Look for study partners. It’s really nice having friends in class. I can lean on them and vice versa. It’s always easier to go to class when there’s a familiar face, and you’ll be reenergized because you’ll have someone you can turn to for help throughout the semester.
