How to Remain True to Your Culture

Your culture is a part of you. Whether it informs how you live your daily life or it’s simply one part of what makes you you, staying true to your culture is important. During times of change or stress, especially when you’re away from home, this can be difficult. Here are some ways you can remain true to your culture.
Determine What Is Important to You 
How you identify and connect with your culture is unique to you. Ask yourself what aspects are important to you. Is it the relationship with your family, celebrating cultural events, living your life in a way that is guided by particular tenets? Once you determine what is important to you, take the time to focus on and further develop those facets. This will allow you to feel connected and stay true to your culture in a way that makes sense for you.
Honor Unique Experiences 
Every culture has unique customs that create a special sense of belonging. If being a part of such experiences is important to you, make time to get involved. The connection you create through participation in cultural experiences allows you to stay rooted while building relationships with others.
Continue to Learn About Your Culture
No one knows everything about their culture. We rely on others to help us learn and understand what makes it and us unique and how our culture has evolved. Continue learning about your culture through research, speaking with elders, and by exploring aspects you have not experienced previously. 
Connect with Others Who Share Your Culture
Staying true to your culture can become easier when you have others to share it with. Connecting with like-minded people can reduce feelings of isolation and the potential of withdrawing from your cultural roots. Spending time with those who share your culture can promote feelings pride and foster a stronger sense of self. What’s more, you’ll build the support system you need to stay true to yourself.
In today’s world, it can be difficult sharing our individual customs and philosophies. While staying true to your culture can be challenging, doing so can provide you with benefits, including having a stronger sense of self. Stay true to yourself and your culture by embracing it and participating in it in the way that makes sense for you.
