The Importance of Asking for Help
Increased independence comes with growing older. But don’t mistake independence with living alone on an island. There will be times when you’ll need some extra guidance and support — and that’s perfectly OK. While it’s good to try to work things out for yourself, it is important to know when to ask for help.
Finding Scholarships for College
As college acceptance letters and financial aid packages continue to arrive, the affordability of college is likely becoming more real. While it can be overwhelming — and even a bit scary — there is good news. There are plenty of scholarships out there to help lower your costs. Some $46 billion in scholarship funds are awarded in the United States each year. Here are some tips to help you get some of that free money.
Do Your Research -
Decision Time – What to Consider When Choosing a College
Congratulations! You survived the college application process and admission decisions are coming in. While the standardized tests, personal statements, supplemental essays, and requests for recommendations presented you with a lot to manage, there’s still one more hurdle — choosing the college you will attend next fall. Whittling down a list of a dozen schools to one can be daunting. Here are a few tips to help.
Your Financial Checkbook
According to a recent study from FinanceBuzz, nearly two-thirds of Gen Zs don’t own a checkbook. Gone are the days when you’d write down every dollar that came in or went out of your account in balanced checkbook ledger. Today, most people manage their finances online. But the idea of a checkbook as a space where you track your funds on a regular basis is key to financial success. Here are a few ways to create a financial “checkbook” that works for you.
Find a Manageable Tracking Method -
Celebrate Your Culture: National Native American Heritage Month
November is National Native American Heritage Month, a time to celebrate traditions and culture of Indigenous peoples across the United States. It's a wonderful opportunity to recognize Indigenous heritage in a way that is meaningful to you. Here are some ideas for observing this special month.
Watch Gather -
How to Communicate with Teachers
Being able to effectively communicate with your teachers is critical to your academic success. In fact, according to the majority of people who responded to a Pew Research Center study, communication is the most important skill needed to succeed. Here are a few ways to help you communicate effectively with your teachers.
Address Them Respectfully -
How to Get the Most Out of the AISES National Conference
The countdown to the AISES National Conference is on! This year’s conference, with the theme Rivers of Resilience — Sustaining Indigenous Innovation, is in San Antonio, Texas, October 3–5. If you’ve never been to an AISES National Conference, it’s an amazing opportunity for Indigenous students and professionals to learn, grow, and share their knowledge. With so much to do and so many people to see, it can be overwhelming. Here are a few ways to get the most out of your time.
Make Sure You’re Able to Go -
The Power of Self-Worth
According to Merriam-Webster, self-worth is “a sense of one’s own value as a human being.” Other definitions include knowing you are loved and having self-esteem. What they are essentially saying is that self-worth is your internal belief that you are worthy. Having a strong sense of your self-worth can be incredibly valuable as you navigate various areas of your life. Here are a few reasons why there is such power in positive self-worth.
Packing Up: Practical Tips and Tricks
If you’re one of the more than 1.3 million applicants who was accepted to college and starting this fall, it’s time to start thinking about what to bring. But how do you determine what you need to bring versus what you want to bring? And how do you make sure you have everything you need without overpacking? Here are some tips and tricks to help you successfully pack for college.
Make a List -
Graduation Is Here: Now What?
After an endless stream of classes, projects, presentations, and tests, graduation is finally here. While this important milestone may seem like the light at the end of the tunnel, the inevitable question is: "What’s next?" Once upon a time, the standard answer revolved around employment. But according to research done by Forage, nearly half of college students are not confident or only somewhat confident that they know how to get a job. That’s true of high school students as well.