The Power of Self-Worth

According to Merriam-Webster, self-worth is “a sense of one’s own value as a human being.” Other definitions include knowing you are loved and having self-esteem. What they are essentially saying is that self-worth is your internal belief that you are worthy. Having a strong sense of your self-worth can be incredibly valuable as you navigate various areas of your life. Here are a few reasons why there is such power in positive self-worth.

It Provides Confidence
The American Psychological Association says that individuals with positive self-worth tend to have greater confidence and self-esteem. You’re always going to encounter setbacks and complications — they can occur in any aspect of your life. Having positive self-worth can give you the confidence you need to cope with these issues without becoming overwhelmed. Successfully confronting situations, complex and otherwise, leads to more confidence and greater understanding of your broad capabilities.
It Makes It Easier to Advocate for Yourself
In school especially, where you may not always feel like the smartest or most accomplished person in the room, having positive self-worth can be powerful. It can be challenging to advocate for yourself when your teacher has years of experience or when you feel like you’re not being heard by a group. When you recognize your value, it’s easier to speak up for yourself and get what you need.
It Strengthens Your Mental Health
Because mental health can be affected by any number of factors, it’s constantly changing. Currently mental health is at a new low across the country, so taking care of yourself is more important than ever before. A positive and strong self-worth can do much to fend off negative thoughts and create more positive mental health. It can allow you to counter self-doubt and provide the foundation you need to thrive in different environments.
It Can Strengthen Your Relationships
Studies show that individuals with less positive self-worth tend to remain in relationships — platonic and romantic — that are unsupportive. Having a low sense of self-worth may make you feel like you don’t deserve better. When you understand your value, you know that you deserve to be loved and have relationships that support and uplift you. A positive self-worth can lead to strengthening existing relationships and distancing yourself from those that are not good for you.
It Can Help You Know Your Limits
People who value themselves know that they aren’t perfect — and they are OK with that. They recognize that they aren’t the best at everything, they can’t be everything to everyone, and they may not excel in areas where they initially thought they might. For those with  positive self-worth, that self-assessment not only doesn’t cause distress, it leads to an acceptance of their limitations. A positive sense of self removes any undue pressure to achieve perfection and allows individuals to explore — and potentially fail — knowing they are still worthy.
It Can Let You Be Yourself
When you have a strong sense of self-worth, you’re comfortable with who you are and don’t pretend to be someone you’re not. You can be openly, honestly, and unapologetically yourself. Being authentic allows you to focus on more positive and productive aspects of your life and can lead to increased happiness.
A positive self-worth is powerful because it can help you successfully navigate all aspects of your life. While your self-worth inherently comes from within, there are things you can do to help improve it. Be kind to yourself as you navigate academics and personal and professional commitments, and allow yourself to build a more positive self-worth over time.


Building self-worth is an ongoing process. Here are some tips to help you on your journey.

Turn to your people. A supportive network of family and friends to turn to in difficult times makes a difference in your life. If you are feeling down, ask for support. Your crew will be happy to boost you up and help you rebuild your self-worth. 

Be yourself. Don’t worry about other people’s ideas of where you should be at any given phase of life. We all have our own paths to follow. Add distance, even temporarily, to people who stir up jealousy or other unhealthy emotions and instead focus on yourself and your goals. 

Be good to yourself. While an honest self-assessment can be helpful, don’t home in solely on the negatives. Be kind to yourself; acknowledge your strengths and use them for the benefit of yourself and others. 

Move your body. Movement is powerful. Getting outside for walks and other types of exercise can clear your head, improve mental health, and release endorphins, all of which can help you improve self-worth. 

Write it down. Record what you like about yourself in a journal. Use your journal as a resource when you’re feeling low or need a boost in confidence.

