How to Prepare for the AISES National Conference

The AISES National Conference is just around the corner! From October 6–8, 2022, you’ll have the opportunity to join Indigenous STEM professionals and students from all across the United States and Canada. The three days are jam-packed with plenty of opportunities to network and learn about work being done by fellow students. With so much going on, it might seem overwhelming, so here are a few ways to help you prepare for the conference.

Plan Ahead
We know, there’s so much going on these days that it seems like you don’t have a spare second. But it will be worth your while to take some time to plan how you’d like to spend your time at the conference before you arrive. Are there specific speakers you’d like to hear? Are there networking opportunities that you want to be sure to attend? Is there anything happening in the host city of Palm Springs for which you’d like to budget time? Considering all of these things ahead of time will help reduce your anxiety and make for an organized and worthwhile conference experience.  

See Who Else Is Going
Before leaving for the conference, ask around to find out who else is going — people whom you already know and those you’re interested in getting to know. Check with other students at your school and in your network as well as your professors, and don’t forget to review the list of speakers. In doing so you’ll get a better sense of who you can expect to see and meet at the conference. Increase your chances of actually connecting by sending a simple email asking an individual to meet for coffee, or to attend a session with you. 

Take Notes
Conferences like the AISES National Conference are full of great information, contacts, and opportunities. But there’s so much information it can be hard to remember it all. That’s why it is so important to take notes. Whether you prefer to do so digitally or by hand, be sure you have the tools available to keep track of all the interesting information you learn, connections you make, and ways to become involved in the future. 

Network, Network, Network
It can’t be said enough. One of the most important things you can do at a conference is network. This can be hard, especially if you are approaching individuals you don’t know, or who are experts in their field. Just remember, they are at the same conference because they share the same interests and passions. They enjoy sharing their knowledge with others, so don’t be afraid to speak up. 

Networking is also a great way to learn about new and exciting opportunities, such as internships and programs. Many AISES members say that attending the conference connected them to individuals they would otherwise never have met, and these connections have resulted in everything from internship opportunities to scholarships. So don’t miss out on the chance to connect with others—they will be excited to learn more about your interests and share their own with you!

 Don’t Let the Conference End
While the physical events of the 2022 AISES National Conference may conclude on October 8, the power of the conference goes on. Remain in touch with individuals you connect with and stay connected to AISES through your chapter. Refer to and apply the valuable information you gathered at the conference. 

The AISES National Conference is an amazing opportunity to connect with like-minded students, professionals, and leaders in the STEM fields. Attending a large conference can be intimidating, but rest assured that you’ll be entering a welcoming environment — we’re excited to have you join us. 

On Topic

Mindy Dallard is a second-year student at Queen’s University studying health sciences. She is currently the senior Canadian national student representative for AISES. She loves to spend her free time with family or hiking and exploring the wilderness.  

What is your list of must-dos during the AISES National Conference? 
The AISES National Conference can be a little overwhelming. There is a lot going on and it’s impossible to do everything. The first thing you should do is review the agenda and make note of the sessions that are of most interest to you or that best relate to your field. Prioritize the sessions that will provide the most information pertaining to your future aspirations. Actively participate in the sessions and bring a notepad to take notes. The notepad will also to be useful to write down names and contact information of the people you meet — fellow students, professors, potential employers, or internship opportunities. Put yourself out there and speak with presenters after sessions. Consider asking follow-up questions to learn more about the topic or to learn about the presenter’s journey to their current position. These conversations could help guide your educational and career paths. Don’t forget to attend your chapter meeting during the conference, it’s a great way to network and learn more about what AISES has to offer students.

Additionally, you’ll want to visit as many booths as possible at the College and Career Fair. After focusing on your main interests at the fair, check out the other booths. I learned so much about companies, potential opportunities, and how STEM is applied to a particular field by stopping by booths even if I didn’t think they applied to my interests. It will be an exhausting day. Expect to be overloaded with information that will require some follow-up. Also, bring a small bag to keep all the brochures and swag that you pick up along the way.

For pre-college students, I recommend registering for the STEM activity day, mini-hackathon, meta code remix — any or all of them, if you have the time. These challenges are a lot of fun; you will gain exceptional experience collaborating with professionals, plus you can connect with future employers and meet some great like-minded individuals. Some people even met their future spouses at the National Conference.

Finally, there will be a Native artisan market so you may want to make sure you have your wallet handy. See you there!
