If I Only Knew Then

Stories are powerful and provide a sense of culture, history, and personal identity. A person’s story is a compilation of life’s journey, packed with experiences and lessons learned along the way. A few Intel employees wanted to share their stories through open letters to their younger selves, offering advice and encouragement.

Dear Georgia,
At this moment you are pregnant and wondering how you’re supposed to bring a child into the world without having your life on track. You don’t know the mountain of opportunities coming your way. Keep focused and remember that resilience is part of being Indigenous. One piece of advice I always listen to is that it’s completely healthy to let yourself fall every now and then if you ALWAYS pick yourself up and hit the ground running.

What is courageous presence? It’s that aura that surrounds people who know who they are, where they want to go, and how they will get there. Become a force to be reckoned with in your daughter’s life, so that she never questions if she is shining too brightly.

Do not settle. Embrace change with open arms. Do not make excuses for your success or apologize for your strength. Learn to give and receive constructive criticism. Take up space. Prepare your heart and soul for a lifetime of love and happiness.
A Slightly Wiser Georgia Sandoval, Navajo (Diné)

P.S. Stock up on toilet paper. You’ll understand. 

Dear Mr. Darden,
You don’t know me just yet, but we go back more than 20 years. In a blink of an eye you were in college, graduating cum laude. Surely you understand that you gave it your all these past few years — the proof is in the blistered, dry fingers thanks to the all-nighters of drawing projects. The limits that you’ve taken yourself through these past few years are only the beginning. You have no idea what is to come, a lot of doubt, heartache, and disappointment. Preparing isn’t about searching for the right things to do, it’s about giving yourself a breather and owning all that frustration, all that pain, all that sorrow. Owning it gives you a brighter path to what lives inside your being; making yourself above it. The amount of time and patience you put into your work is what creates you. 

You’ve come across so many different people throughout your life. Many of whom, some would say, are always going to be family. You’ve always been fearless with whatever you decide to do and you always handled the outcomes, whether positive or negative. Making yourself go that extra mile to succeed is why you chose to move across the country to go to school. That one decision formed the path for you; now you just have to view it as you’ve viewed everything from the start — from a different perspective and open mind. Your walk of life is just over those Finger Lakes; continue to not take things for granted and hold those who are dear to your heart close. Don’t lose sight of what and who you want to be. Believe me, all your hard work is going to pay off. 

Seth, Navajo, Ute, and Cheyenne

Dear Frazer,
Keep a strong sense of identity and self-awareness with you always. The challenges you will face in transitioning into the workforce will be much more manageable with strong knowledge of self. In many professional roles, there is an expectation for you to assimilate into the work culture, and sometimes this is unavoidable. However, knowing who you are and what your perspective is on any situation helps you to understand what actions you can take even in challenging times. As long as you keep hold of your identity and what you value as an individual, your journey can take you anywhere you want to go.

Frazer Tee, Inupiaq

Dear Sheila,
You’re doing a great job raising those kids and going to college! I’m in awe of your resiliency to overcome the challenges in your short life and to be the first in your family to go to college. You’re amazing!  

I know growing up in a home with alcoholism and abuse did a number on your self-esteem. You will doubt your abilities and look to others to tell you the answers, but you have to follow your heart and know that you are capable. You are enough. You are smart and beautiful! You were inspired to go to college to give your children a better life, but you will be amazed at all the blessings they will bring to yours.  

You will also find this wonderful organization called AISES, where you will finally be at home. You’ll be in awe of all the “beautiful nerds” you meet, and you’ll eventually realize you are one of them too.  You will go to AISES National Conferences, be inspired by all the leaders that are recognized, and join them one day — only one of the many blessings your children and AISES will bring to your life. 
Keep going momma! You have so many people cheering you on and you’re not going to believe the life you are going to have — it’s so beautiful! 

Sheila Lopez, Navajo (Diné)
